Burning passion and vitality hand in hand to brilliant

issuing time:2021-01-02 10:05

On January 23, 2021, Guangdong Boyuan Spray Technology Co., Ltd. held a 2020 year-end summary and commendation conference, in response to the call of the national government, during the epidemic, the conference was held inside the factory.

At the meeting, the company's general manager Ye Chenfei delivered an important speech. 2020 is a special year, the outbreak of the epidemic, large state organs and some enterprises, small to every employee and ordinary people, are enduring a huge test. This year, Boyuan dares to try, not only excellently completed various tasks, but also made remarkable achievements.


Photo 1: General Manager Ye Chenfei delivers a speech

General Manager Ye Chenfei stressed that these progress and achievements reflect the adaptability and strong combat effectiveness of the Boyuan team, and it is the perseverance and selfless dedication of all the Boyuan staff that promote the Boyuan giant ship to break the waves and move steadily and far. With his own practical actions, he has deeply interpreted the rich connotation of Boyuan spirit and vividly displayed the passionate and upward spirit of Boyuan people.


Photo 2: Excellent staff commendation photo



Photo 3: Production Department excellent staff speech


Photo 4: Production Department outstanding staff speech


Photo 5: Production Department outstanding staff speech


Photo 6: Speech delivered by outstanding staff of HR Administration Department


Photo 7: Outstanding employees of the Business Department give speeches

In this recognition conference, there are happy, excited, moved, motivated, inspired, in the Boyuan spray this big family, we feel the warmth and strength, we are a united and loving collective, we have to believe in the company, but also believe in themselves, full of confidence and passion for the future work. I believe that Boyuan spray has an infinite future, let's embrace a better tomorrow together!